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Cold Room Asset Management

Cold rooms are indispensable in logistics, food business or retail.
Problems in Cold Rooms lead to immediate risk of spoilage of the goods in storage.
Inefficient reactive controllers waste a lot of energy. 



  • Worldwide access to your assets
  • Early fault detection
  • Improved commissioning and set up of fans
  • Predictive error identification
  • Cold Chain assurance
  • Efficiency calculation


  • Interruption of cold chain
  • Continuity of cold chain is compromised
  • Unable to identify equipment failures leading to poor energy efficiency
  • Defrosting happens more often than required
  • Identification of site problems is not possible (external doors open, sensor failures, poor storage practices leading to inefficient cooling)


  • Intelligate Edge Lite
  • Intelligate LTE
  • Intelligate WiFi
  • Individual dashboards


  • Adaptive adjustment of Fan set-points
  • Real time monitoring (e.g. energy consumption, temperature,…)
  • Remote fan configuration
  • Automated system notifications
  • Connect outdoor and indoor air quality data
  • Energy and emission reporting
  • Predictive defrost (upcoming)
  • Anomaly detection (upcoming)
  • Predictive precooling (upcoming)

Our numerous application examples

More than 40 innovation experts work every day to develop new functions, connectivities and completely new business models

Computation Cloud cooperation with SIEMENS

The two major HVAC equipment suppliers, SIEMENS and ebm-papst, join forces to offer fan analytics... ...

Urban Harbor

First semi-centralized ventilation system in Europe ...

Monitoring of wind turbines and photovoltaics

Condenser/Chiller monitoring

Feel free to contact me directly to talk about your individual project

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